Adhar card change of address form

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मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी की ओर से जारी हिंदी दिवस संदेश, 2023 /Message from CEO on Hindi Diwas 2023 DOC Type: PDF Size:0.4MB

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UIDAI Sandbox for Developer Community and Fintechs

Media Coverage of Aadhaar

Aadhaar Brochure 2024

23 Aug 2024 file_downloadDownload | Type: pdf | Size: 1.7 MB

Aadhaar Brochure September 2023

1 Sep 2023 file_downloadDownload | Type: pdf | Size: 1.5 MB

Aadhaar authentication transactions climbed to 2.31 billion in March

28 Apr 2023 file_downloadDownload | Type: pdf | Size: 0.3 MB

आधार धारकों ने मार्च में 2.31 बिलियन का किया लेन-देन

28 Apr 2023 file_downloadDownload | Type: pdf | Size: 0.2 MB

Aadhaar authentication rose to 2.31 bn in Mar 2023

28 Apr 2023 file_downloadDownload | Type: pdf | Size: 0.3 MB

Aadhaar Telecast



Abhinav Pahal 2.0 : Aadhaar based Face Authentication and how it is touching lives and improving ease of living for residents.



Learn how to Upload PoI/PoA documents in Aadhaar



Celebrating the ‘#SwachchtaHiSeva with a commitment to make ‘Garbage Free India’!



CEO Interview-1



CEO Interview-2

Press Release

UIDAI sensitizes enrolment agencies to assist divyangjan persons in enrolling for Aadhaar

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Aadhaar, the most trusted digital ID in the world —Moody’s Investors Service opinions baseless

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UIDAI comes back to Global Fintech Fest with the theme “Reimagine Aadhaar”

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Aadhaar reunites missing divyang woman with her family in Assam

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Aadhaar based face authentication transactions cross all time high of 10.6 million in May 2023

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Aadhaar in Numbers

Aadhaar Generated Authentication Done

Frequently Asked Questions

Just by knowing your Aadhaar number or Aadhaar linked bank account, no one can withdraw money from Aadhaar linked bank account.

You use PAN card, debit card, credit card, bank cheques wherever required. But do you put these details openly on internet and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Obviously no! You do not put such personal details unnecessarily in public domain so that there is no unwarranted invasion attempt on your privacy. The same logic needs to be applied in case of uses of Aadhaar.

No. Just, by knowing your Aadhaar number, no one can harm you. To prove your identity, Aadhaar number is verfied/authenticated by agencies through various modes as prescribed under Aadhaar Act, 2016.

No. UIDAI does not have visibility of linking of your Aadhaar with any other services. Concern departments such as bank, income tax etc. do not share any information of Aadhaar number holder neither UIDAI stores any such informations.

No, in this connection MeitY has issued detailed instructions to all Government Ministries/Departments vide office memorandum no 10(22)/2017-EG-II(VOL-1) dated 19.06.2023.

Aadhaar verification/authentication is governed by the sections of Aadhaar Act, 2016, under which the use case has been notified by the concerned Ministry/Department for providing services.

You should use your Aadhaar without any hesitation for proving your identity and doing transactions, just like you use your bank account number, PAN card, debit card, credit card, etc., wherever required. What UIDAI has advised is that Aadhaar card should be freely used for proving identity and doing transactions, but should not be put on public platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc. People give their debit card or credit card details or cheque (which has bank account number) when they purchase goods, or pay school fee, water, electricity, telephone and other utility bills, etc. Similarly, you can freely use your Aadhaar to establish your identity as and when required without any fear. While using Aadhaar, you should do the same level of due diligence as you do in case of other ID cards – not more, not less.

An Aadhaar Number holder can download e-Aadhaar by following three ways. By Using Enrollment Number By Using Aadhaar No By using VID

OTP for downloading eAadhaar will be received on registered mobile number.

Please visit Aadhaar YouTube Channel and watch tutorial link on

e-Aadhaar is a password protected electronic copy of Aadhaar, digitally signed by UIDAI.

Resident needs 'Adobe Reader' to view digitally verified e-Aadhaar. To install Adobe Reader in the System visit

As per Aadhaar Act, e-Aadhaar is equally valid like Physical Copy of Aadhaar for all purposes. For validity of eAadhaar, please visit UIDAI circular-

Password of eAadhaar is a combination of the first 4 letters of name in CAPITAL and the year of birth (YYYY).

Example 1
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: SURE1990

Example 2
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: SAIK1990

Example 3
Name: P. KUMAR
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: P.KU1990

Example 4
Name: RIA
Year of Birth: 1990
Password: RIA1990

Aadhaar Number holder can download e-Aadhaar by visiting UIDAI's MyAadhaar portal - or by using mAadhaar app for mobile phones.

Masked Aadhaar implies replacing of first 8 digits of Aadhaar number with “xxxx-xxxx” while only last 4 digits of the Aadhaar Number are visible.

No. Anyone with a smartphone can install and use mAadhaar App.
Without a registered mobile number, Aadhaar number holder will be able to avail only few services such as Order Aadhaar PVC card, Locate Enrolment Center, Verify Aadhaar, Scanning QR code etc.
However registered mobile number is mandatory to create the profile in mAadhaar and use the same as digital identity and avail all other Aadhaar services. The OTP will be sent only to registered mobile for creating the profile in mAadhaar.

No, mAadhaar app can be used to update address only.

Only someone with an Aadhaar linked to a registered mobile number can create Aadhaar profile in the mAadhaar App. They can register their profile in an App installed in any smartphone. However the OTP will be sent to only their registered mobile. Steps to register Aadhaar profile are given below:

  1. Launch the app.
  2. Tap on the Register Aadhaar tab on the top of main dashboard
  3. Create a 4 digit Pin/Password(memorize this password, as it will be required to access profile)
  4. Provide Valid Aadhaar & enter valid Captcha
  5. Enter Valid OTP and submit
  6. The profile should get registered
  7. The registered tab would now display the registered Aadhaar Name
  8. Tap on My Aadhaar tab on the bottom menu
  9. Enter 4-digit Pin/Password
  10. My Aadhaar Dashboard appears

The profile can be viewed by tapping on the profile summary on the top (profile image, name and Aadhaar number on the cyan tab) in the main dashboard.

No, the facility to update demographic details such as Name, DoB, Mobile number aren not available in the mAadhaar app. Only address update via document facility is currently available.

However the demographics updates features may be included in future releases.

No. Anyone in India with a smartphone can install and use mAadhaar App. Although for creating the Aadhaaar profile in mAadhaar, registered mobile number is required.

Without an Aadhaar registered mobile number resident will be able to avail only a few of the services such as Order Aadhaar PVC card, Locate Enrolment Center, Verify Aadhaar, Scanning QR code etc.

mAadhaar app can be used anywhere anytime within India. mAadhaar is more than Aadhaar card in a wallet. On one hand the mAadhaar profile is accepted as a valid ID proof and on the other, resident can use the features in the app to share their eKYC or QR code with service providers who sought Aadhaar verification of their customers before providing Aadhaar services.

Service Providers shall not share, publish or display either XML or Share Code or its contents with anyone else. Any non-compliance of these actions shall invite actions under Sections 29(2), 29 (3), 29(4) and 37 of The Aadhaar Act, 2016 (as amended) and sub regulation 1A of regulation 25, regulation 14A of The Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulation, 2021 and regulation 6 and 7 of The Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulation, 2016.

Identity verification can simply be accomplished by providing an identity document like PAN card, Passport etc to the service provider. However, all these documents, which may be used for identification can still be forged and faked which may or may not be possible to verify offline instantaneously. The document verifier has no technological means to verify the authenticity of the document or the information it contains and has to trust the document producer. Whereas, the XML file generated by the Aadhaar number holder using Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC is digitally signed document using UIDAI digital signature. Thus, the service provider can verify the demographic contents of the file and certify it to be authentic when doing the offline verification

The process of Aadhaar Offline e-KYC Verification by Service Provider is:

Offline Aadhaar Data Verification Service

Public certificate for Digital signature validation can be downloaded from here.

Residents can share the XML ZIP file along with the Share Code to the service provider as per their mutual convenience.

Any Aadhaar number holder who desires to establish his/her identity to any service provider (OVSE) using digitally signed XML downloaded from UIDAI website can be a user of this service. The service provider should have provisions of providing this Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC at their facility and do the offline verification

The process of generating Aadhaar Offline e-KYC is explained below:

• Go to URL
• Enter ‘Aadhaar Number’ or ‘VID’ and enter mentioned ‘Security Code’ in screen, then click on ‘Send OTP’. The OTP will be sent to the registered Mobile Number for the given Aadhaar number or VID. OTP will be available on m-Aadhaar mobile Application of UIDAI. Enter the OTP received. Enter a Share Code which be the password for the ZIP file and click on ‘Download’ button
• The Zip file containing the digitally signed XML will be downloaded to device wherein the above mentioned steps have been performed.

The Offline Aadhaar XML can also be downloaded from mAadhaar app.

It is a secure sharable document which can be used by any Aadhaar number holder for offline verification of Identification.

A resident desirous of using this facility shall generate his/her digitally signed Offline XML by accessing UIDAI website. The Offline XML will contain Name, Address, Photo, Gender, DOB, hash of registered Mobile Number, hash of registered Email Address and reference id which contains last 4 digits of Aadhaar Number followed by time stamp. It will provide Offline Aadhaar Verification facility to service providers/Offline Verification Seeking Entity (OVSE) without the need to collect or store Aadhaar number.