Illinois Divorce Forms

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How It Works


To file for a divorce, the person filing must have the correct divorce forms for their situation. Divorce papers are first filed then the other party needs to be served. To get the necessary forms, click the “Download” button below.

Filing for Divorce

There are three main phases of a divorce that require paperwork: the initial filing, service of paperwork, and pre-trial hearing. Each “Download” button above gives you the necessary forms for all three steps.

For more information on the divorce process, read How to File for Divorce in Illinois.

Forms for Each Phase

If you download the forms above, each step has its own folder. If you’re using other forms, the lists below outline which forms are needed in each step.

Some Illinois counties have additional forms on top of the state standard-wide forms. If you think you might be missing a form, check with your county or contact Sterling Lawyers, LLC to work with an attorney.

Step 1: Initial Filing

These are the forms needed to begin a divorce or separation case. The exact names of the forms will differ depending on the specifics of your case.

Step 2: Service of Paperwork

The next big step in the divorce process is serving the other party the divorce forms. This is letting them know the divorce is coming, so they can fill out the necessary paperwork as well.

Step 3: Pre-Trial Hearing

This is the earliest point a marriage can officially end. But it only ends if the parties have a documented agreement.

Note: Any form that includes “Additional” in the title can be attached to its associated document. These are only used if you need extra space for that section.

For Immediate help with your family law case or answering any questions please call (312) 757-8082 now!

Alternative Divorce Filing Methods in Illinois

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Start Divorce Litigation

Divorce In Wisconsin

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get divorce papers in Illinois?

Illinois divorce papers can be downloaded above in this article. Otherwise, county-specific documents are on each county’s website. The statewide forms are on the Illinois supreme court’s website.

Can I file for divorce by myself?

Yes, you can file for divorce on your own. You do not need the other party or an attorney to file for divorce. But the other party will be a part of the process once you serve them the divorce papers.

How long does it take to get a divorce in Illinois?

The length of a divorce can be anywhere between six months to two years. The sooner parties agree on all the divorce issues, the sooner the divorce concludes.

How do I start the divorce process?

A divorce is started by filing the necessary documents with your local county’s clerk of courts. You pay the fees, serve the other party, and an initial hearing gets scheduled.

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