IUPUI Campus Bulletin 2022-2023

IU policy prohibits discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct in any form, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, and dating and domestic violence.

Indiana University prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

If you feel like you have been discriminated against, please contact IUPUI’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO), located in Lockefield Village, 980 Indiana Avenue, Suite 4440, Indianapolis, IN 46202. They can be reached by phone at 317-274-2306, by e-mail at oeoiupui@iupui.edu or online at https://oeo.iupui.edu/report-incident/index.html.

If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the university can help. If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can contact Counseling & Psychological Support Services (CAPS) at 317-274-2548 or capsindy@iupui.edu, or reach out to the Interpersonal Violence Prevention & Response confidential advocate at saadv@iupui.edu or 317-274-5715.

University policy requires faculty to share certain information brought to them about potential sexual misconduct with the campus deputy sexual misconduct & Title IX coordinator or the university sexual misconduct & Title IX coordinator. In that event, those individuals will work to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available. Protecting student privacy is of utmost concern, and information will only be shared with those that need to know to ensure the university can respond and assist. To learn more, visit http://stopsexualviolence.iu.edu.

IUPUI does not tolerate acts that are damaging to our safe, civil, and inclusive community–and neither should you. If you experience or witness an incident of bias, you should report it. For more information, see Student Bias Incident Reporting.

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