Contract Law Basics: Making a Legally Binding Contract (and when it’s not)

A contract is a legally binding agreement between at least two parties.

The basic principles of formation of contract govern formation all contracts, whether you:

And it's all controlled by contract law.

Some contracts must be in writing to be enforceable. Most don't.

Many businesses make the mistake that if there is no written contract, there cannot be a contract. The rules apply to oral contracts as well, and those formed by conduct of the parties.

The rules apply across the board.

Essential Elements of Contracts

To make a legally binding contract, 5 elements must be satisfied: offer, acceptance, consideration, intention and capacity:

  1. Offer: One party makes an offer
  2. Acceptance: The other party accepts the offer
  3. Consideration: Each party provides consideration to the other. Consideration can be:
  4. Intention to be legally bound: Both parties have an intention to be legally bound by the agreement (which is proposed by the offer, and then accepted)
  5. The parties have contractual capacity: The parties are legal entities recognised by law, such as companies, limited liability partnerships and individuals of at least 18 years of age.

Once those elements exist, you have legally binding contract.

But getting there can be tricky, particularly if it’s a verbal contract.

We run through each of the elements below.

Also, there must be no vitiating factors (such as misrepresentation or illegality) which impair the validity of formation of the contract.

Otherwise, what was a legally binding can reversed, and declared void ab initio at law: ie at law, it was never made. The remedy that makes that happen is rescission.

How can a contract be made?

The form of communication used to make the contract is irrelevant, other than where statutory requirements dictate that to be enforceable, it must satisfy the named prerequisites.

Contracts therefore be made - and varied - in telephone calls, Skype calls, Skype IMs, face to face conversations, email, SMS (text) messages, WhatsApp messages, Telegram or Signal messages - you name it.

In fact, words do not even need to be spoken to form a contract, provided each of the 5 elements are present.

Forming a contract could be done with: